Doodle Party


Social drawing for iOS devices.

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DoodleKit manages up to four users' drawings on a single canvas, allowing doodlers to create and share content across their devices.

A demo app, Doodle Party, is included in the repository.

Developed with care and exhaustion at iOSDevCamp 2013.

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Setup Instructions

  1. Using Cocoapods, add this to your Podfile:
    pod 'DoodleKit', git
  2. Import the DoodleKit header.
    #import <DoodleKit/DoodleKit.h>
  3. Add the drawing view to your view.
    DKDoodleView *doodleView = [[DKDoodleView alloc] initWithFrame:theFrame];
    doodleView.delegate = self;
    [parentView addSubview:doodleView];
  4. Set the tool properties on doodleView, this controls the drawing paths.
    doodleView.toolType = DKDoodleToolTypePen;
    doodleView.lineWidth = 6.0f;
    doodleView.lineColor = [UIColor greenColor];

Adding Networking

  1. Configure the iOS app in iTunes Connect to use GameCenter.
  2. Initialize the DKDoodleSessionManager
    DKDoodleSessionManager *sessionManager = [DKDoodleSessionManager sharedManager];
  3. Authenticate the player in GameCenter.
    [sessionManager startAuthenticatingLocalPlayer];
  4. Implement the DKDoodleSessionManager delegate protocol, in order to display connectivity status. This is optional.
  5. Implement didStartGame protocol method. This will launch a ViewController that has a DKDoodleView on the view. The view will automatically render drawing on all connected devices.